

  • Company: GBG
  • Location: International presence with customers in over 60 countries.

GBG provide global specialist identity data services. When organisations need to prevent fraud, vet their employees, or ensure their customer data is accurate, they turn to GBG to help.

They’re a young, innovative company, and their rapid growth provides ample opportunity for their team members to grow and develop themselves.

To make this growth sustainable, they need to keep their existing customers happy, which is why they chose CustomerSure to help run their global VoC Program.

We interviewed Sarah Roberts, Global Voice of the Customer Manager.

GBG staff working

Tell us about GBG

We are GBG, global specialists in Identity Data Intelligence. Put simply, we really understand the data behind people, revealing who they are, what they like - and what they don’t.

We do this by combining trillions of data records relating to people’s identity, from all over the world. And we use this information to help our clients make the right decisions about their customers and employees.

The organisations we serve need identity data intelligence to protect themselves and their customers, to improve the service they provide and to grow their businesses. They expect nothing but the best products and service.

Our truly global reach and product range makes us unique in the market.

What Challenges Were You Facing?

The vision we set out for our project was that any customer, no matter where they were based round the world could provide feedback to us in a simple manner in real time. That this feedback would be valued and welcomed no matter what it said and most importantly it would be read and acted upon to ensure that we provide a world class customer experience to all of our customers.

As a business we would not have been able to run our extensive global Voice of the Customer programme without CustomerSure.

Key factors for us in evaluating a supplier were:

  • Global coverage
  • Multi language and character capability
  • API integration with our CRM system
  • Cost effective
  • Multi login
  • Simple pricing structure
  • Gut feel about the people we were doing business with

We spoke to 4 different suppliers and marked them on a matrix ensuring they could meet our key criteria.

GBG staff collaborating

How did CustomerSure Help?

We chose CustomerSure as they were one of only 2 suppliers that could meet our list of criteria and they won hands-down on gut feel with their ‘can-do’ attitude and the fact they were keen to meet with us face to face to understand more about our key objectives, not to just “sell” us something.

We were fast up and running and the team supported us all the way on the technical front – in a way that our non-‘techies’ could understand.

I couldn’t fault the implementation at all, always offering to help or provide support even to our third parties who we needed to help on some of the technical integration.

I love the simplicity of the system – it takes me a matter of minutes to train new people on it as it’s so intuitive.

Luke even improved the batch unsubscribe to better-fit our company goals, and in the time we have been using the system, I’ve watched nice features roll out which have really helped us with our MI.

The reports saves us a lot of time messing with PowerBI where we just need instant views but the downloads allow us to do this easily and quickly where we want to use the data for more in depth analysis.

What Results Have You Achieved?

As a business we would not have been able to run our extensive global Voice of the Customer programme without CustomerSure which allows us to make sure all of our customers are receiving fantastic service.

And in the rare occasion they are not, we know about it at a time convenient for them, and their feedback links to our complaints system, so we can deal with the issue straight away.

GBG staff collaborating

Has There Been Anything Memorable in the Feedback You’ve Received?

We have found that customers are delighted when we respond to their comments immediately and fix any issues we have and we often hear things like wow – I didn’t expect that to be read that quickly or thank you for taking the time to follow up on that for me.

What Advice Would You Give Someone About Customer Feedback?

What are you waiting for?

Sometimes the idea of asking customers what they think is a bit scary as you don’t know what you’ll find.

We discovered that if you make it convenient for the customer and provide them with the opportunity to tell you how things are you can’t lose. Some of the feedback we have received has been a delight to read and even when it isn’t it’s an early warning sign which allows us to save a customer by turning their experience into one of being delighted.

Having a really robust Voice of the Customer programme has been a great step for GBG and has led to Customer Experience improvements across the globe – from sorting out that “niggly print button” that didn’t work for one customer to more wide-scale changes to processes.

Read more:

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