
You can personalise surveys, so they include your customer’s name, or other helpful content such as an order date, an account number, or the name of a customer service agent.

Surveys support personalisation in 3 places:

  1. The title.
  2. The intro text.
  3. The questions.

Here is an example with the personalisation text underlined:

Screenshot highlighting survey personalisation in CustomerSure.

Personalisation works by entering variables into the appropriate field. To enter a variable into the survey title field, or into the survey intro field, follow this:

  1. Click Surveys on the main menu.
  2. Click Edit on the survey you want to personalise.
  3. Click Customise in the sidebar.
  4. Update the Customer-facing title or Briefly explain the survey to your customers field to include a variable (see the examples below for how to do this).

To enter a variable into a question, follow this:

  1. Click Manage Surveys on the main menu.
  2. Click Question Bank on the 2nd menu bar.
  3. Find and click your question.
  4. Click Edit this question in the sidebar.
  5. Update the Question Text field to include a variable (see the examples below for how to do this).

Example variable in intro text:

Text before: Hi there, we’d like to check that you’re satisfied with your order.
Text after: Hi Suzie, we’d like to check that you’re satisfied with your order #12345.

This is what you would enter in the Customer-facing title field:

Hi {{first_name/there}}, we’d like to check your satisfied with your order {{order_number}}.

Top hint: Variables support a fallback in case data is missing, i.e. in the above example the text would be ‘Hi there’ if the first name was missing.

Example Question:

Before: How friendly and helpful was our customer service agent?
After: How friendly and helpful was Michelle?

This is what you would enter in the Question Text field:

How friendly and helpful was {{staff_first_name/our customer service agent?}}

Setting Variables

The text for each variable is taken from its Feedback Request record that launched the survey. Feedback Requests can be created in numerous ways, such as from an uploaded spreadsheet or an API call. We often help customers ensure their columns or API data map directly to the correct fields so variables work consistently.

If you need any help with this feature, please get in touch.

What variables are supported?

Surveys support the same variables as email templates. The email templates help page lists them and includes further tips for making the most of this feature.

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